Thomson Financial, a unit of publishing giant The Thomson Corp., last week launched Thomson Credit Analysis. The new tool will be integrated into the Thomson ONE platform, which combines Thomson Datastream's encyclopedic databases with Thomson Financial's real-time market information. Thomson touts the new Credit Analysis offering as an "end-to-end workflow package" geared toward credit analysts, risk managers and multi-asset fund managers.

Thomson Credit Analysis enables users to view available bonds, credit default swaps and indices. With a listing of potential investments, they can find the terms and conditions of a particular bond and the credit ratios of its issuer. In addition to the screening tool and bond overview page, the new product also contains analytical and chart tools (scatter plots, maturity profiles and yield curves), fixed income calculators as well as European government and corporate bond prices from Thomson TradeWeb.

Again, Thomson is at the forefront of the latest trends. In this case, it's workflow integration. One reason Thomson is such a successful publishing house is that it reacts so effectively to market trends. Customers want the tools they need to accomplish their everyday tasks right at their fingertips (and the desktops) and that's exactly what Thomson provides. They don't need to search far for a solution, or solutions, for that matter. Thomson also makes sure its own products are fully integrated to bolster their effectiveness and the efficiency of the customers who use them. Note how Thomson Credit Analysis was built to blend into both Thomson ONE and Thomson TradeWeb. With every click of the mouse, users are reminded of the value their content and service provider brings to their office--and the financial marketplace.
