J.D. Power and Associates and Mediamark Research Inc. (MRI) last week announced plans to pull their resources to create supplements to J.D. Power's media studies. These new products will provide, courtesy of MRI, psychographic data about new vehicle buyers to auto marketers and their agencies and publishers. Marketers will be able to use the data to more effectively market to this segment of the auto purchasing audience.

Such data about this segment was never previously available; it will now be distributed with the magazine and cable network consumption patterns of recent new vehicle buyers that is included in the J.D. Power Car and Truck Report. The companies announced that the MRI Psychographic Supplement will be released this month. In addition, MRI's psychographics will also be included in the J.D. Power and Associates 2007 Online Media Study which will be available in August.

This is a very creative use of third-party data by J.D. Power to make its own information products more robust. Together, MRI and J.D. Power are able to offer customers a much more complete view of auto buyers for J.D. Power's marketing clients. Marketers are always looking for ways in which to learn more about their target audience and specific marketing information is typically difficult to obtain. These clients were likely satisfied with the previous contents of the Car and Truck Report, but by adding this unique dimension, J.D. Power is positioning its clients for an increased level of marketing success.
