Does your Web site make the grade? There's a new service that just might be able to tell you how you're doing online. The Ratings Guy this week announced the launch of the company's Web site ratings and review services. Web sites that make the grade (they have to be tops in providing users high quality, trusted and experienced resources) are presented with The Ratings Guy's Great Site seal, which can be placed on their sites. You can take a look at which sites have earned The Ratings Guy's approval at With so much to choose from on the Web, users are increasingly turning to objective rating services like The Ratings Guy for guidance and recommendations.

The Ratings Guy uses a proprietary review methodology to grade Web sites. The sites are tested by independent reviewers on such aspects as transparency, accuracy, timeliness, functionality, trust and usefulness. The company focuses on sites in consumer lifestyle information categories such as health and wellness; travel and leisure; house and home; animals and pets; diet and cuisine; kids; and shopping.

If your business doesn't fall into any of these categories, it's still worth your time to visit The Ratings Guy site to learn about best practices on the Web and get some ideas on how to make your site more engaging to customers. If your site does need work, it's definitely not alone. According to company co-founder John Morrow, less than three percent of Web sites meet The Ratings Guy approval.
