On demand global meeting solutions provider StarCite Inc. this week announced its acquisition of Travent Limited, EMEA, an enterprise meeting management and global technology solutions based in the U.K. The deal will help StarCite achieve its goal of global expansion as it inherits customers and employees in Europe as a result.

Travent brings a variety of corporate customers into the fold, including Pfizer and HRG and will likely help StarCite increase its international revenues even more. According to the company press release announcing the Travent acquisition, StarCite's international revenues are growing and almost 20 percent of the company's business is being conducted outside the U.S.

The end result: a broader base of customers will be able to take advantage of StarCite's online marketplace geared toward corporate meeting planners. These customers can source, bid, book and manage all of their external corporate meetings with just one solution. Before the acquisition, StarCite had a product that positioned the company for future growth as it addressed a growing customer need-tools that integrate into the workflow. Now, it's got a more diverse and robust customer base to serve. If this deal is a success, StarCite probably won't waste much time identifying acquisition targets in other regions.
